Career Transition
Business Mentors offers consulting expertise and resources to help you organize and complete a successful job search. These tactics are used by individuals in assessing their skill sets to pursue a change in their career plan or by those who have been affected by restructuring or downsizing. Whatever the reason for your desire for transition, we'll help you learn to work effectively with the four channels of job search: Networking, Recruiting, Classifieds, and the Internet. As well, we focus on dynamic resume development and cover documents, strategic networking, verbal branding, interview techniques and negotiating offers.
Career Exploration
Business Mentors offers an extensive set of services for individuals focusing on "career exploration". Individuals seeking these services may not be ready to embark on a complete job transition. Rather, they are seeking information about themselves and attempting to identify job roles and organizations that would satisfy them professionally and represent a good "fit". We engage in a process that includes career assessment interviews, personality temperament testing, career alternative surveys and on-going strategy development to pursue career alternatives.

Whether you desire to launch your own business, become a consultant or franchisee, position yourself as a contractor, etc., you will need to examine a whole new set of skills and examine professional development strategies that are unique to the entrepreneurial world. These strategies, in turn, will assist you in successfully owning and operating your own venture. We specialize in helping people determine and resolve the personal priorities and financial issues that can impact your ability to be competitive. Topics include: testing your readiness for change, targeting the right resources, basics of business ownership, launch strategies and how to market yourself and your enterprise.
Executive Coaching
We provide intensive, one-on-one strategic counseling for executives and professionals who are ready to take the critical steps needed to move toward greater personal satisfaction and increased financial reward. Both developmental and directional programs are available to private individuals and to corporations for their employees who want to focus on ways to move to the next promotional opportunity or who want to address certain directional issues or behaviors that might be getting in the way of their career success.
International Services
Business Mentors, Inc. has supported a unique market niche since its inception. We work with US residents, foreign nationals and expatriates in customizing their career transition strategies. Whether one is interested in locating employment overseas, returning to the United States after an expatriate assignment, or remaining in the US as a foreign national rather than returning to the country of origin, we are here to assist you. Our counsel is based on the expertise developed over the years in working with individuals in each of these categories in making a smooth professional transition.
Pre-Employment Screening
In today’s fast paced business environment, many employers are realizing that the right “fit” is critical in hiring and selection of individuals to join their firms. Too often, they have seen that terminations and resignations are costly and generally the result of a bad selection of employee up front and their failure to adjust to the work environment in which they find themselves. We partner with employers to call upon our organization for an objective resource to use in screening potential employees using both testing and in depth interviewing strategies to ensure that the employees have the skills for the role and the personality temperament to fit into the organization.
Corporate Services
While we offer services to private individuals and corporations, our Corporate Services are available to employees of corporations with whom we work and the corporations pay for the services provided. These services include Directional and Developmental Counseling, Leadership Development and Executive Outplacement. We partner with a company’s Executive Team to work with directional needs of the employee who is off track, the talented employee who demonstrates great aptitude and talent for advancement or the support needs for the employee who has been relieved of his or her duties in an organization restructuring or position elimination.
What sample prices can you offer?
Sample pricing for services includes: Pre-employment screening interviews @ $375.00; Corporate career transition (outplacement) package of 12 @ $4200 or 20 sessions @ $7000.00; Executive coaching individual hourly sessions @ $350.00 per hour; Annual corporate packages, which are open-ended, allowing the organization to utilize the services on an employee by employee basis, available @ $30,000.00 annually.
How do we pay for these services?
We are happy to extend the courtesy of invoicing for services to our corporate clients. Once specific services have been selected, Business Mentors, Inc. initiates an invoice to the corporate contact for payment. Payment is due within 30 days. As well, we accept all major credit cards for payment of corporate services, if this proves to be a more efficient method for our corporate clients.
Can we transfer unused package sessions from one corporate client to another?
Yes, we are happy to accommodate the corporate client by allowing the transfer of unused session packages originally designated for one individual to another individual as long as the sessions are being used by an employee in the same organization.
Can we receive a refund on unused sessions?
Refunds requested on unused portions of corporate packages will be provided in the following manner: All sessions conducted to date will be priced at the standard corporate hourly rate at the time of refund request. The balance refunded to the company will be the full package amount price paid less the current corporate hourly amount multiplied by the number of sessions used. Unused sessions that are more than one year old are not eligible for refund.
What is the cancellation policy for corporate clients?
It is the same policy as that which applies for private clients. Corporate clients who have booked appointments must cancel these appointments at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time. If a cancellation is received less than 24 hours prior to the appointment time, the full hourly charge will apply. For Monday appointments, we request that clients cancel schedule appointments by 5P on the preceding Friday.
Post Career Counseling
We work with those individuals who want to plan for an impending retirement deadline, have either chosen to retire at their designated retirement age, found themselves retired too early due to a fortunate set of circumstances or those who came to retirement as a result of a downsizing or restructuring event. Whatever, your situation, we’ll provide the individual counseling for those who want to examine their options. We help with the question: “What do I do next?” and try to help individuals ease into the transition from a full time professional role to an enjoyable, meaningful period of retirement, whether that means a volunteer, part time, entrepreneurial or another full time position.
CEO, Manufacturing
"Your thoughtful questioning, insights, and direction helped me to uncover many on-going career possibilities."
Sr. Vice President, Medical Device Corporation
"I will not forget the feeling of comfort when I came to realize that you had been in my shoes hundreds of times with others and navigated successful outcomes. It was like have a personal shepherd to take you through a very dark journey".
Owner, Public Relations and Fundraising Firm
"Simply put, you changed my life. I transitioned from being a career retailer to becoming a professional fundraiser for some of Atlanta's most prestigious and well-run arts and cultural institutions in just a few short months. Today, I'm an independent public relations consultant with a steady stream of clients in a very competitive market. Your thoughtful, efficient, and effective coaching leveraged my skills, talents, and interests to make all the difference in the world."
Senior Executive, Fortune 50
"You gave me the confidence I needed, the best methods to market myself and the tools to negotiate a better offer. You have been a great support in this period of transition back to the United States. I tell my friends that you are a coach, a mentor, and the human resources professional we dreamed of."
Thanks for your message! We’ll be in touch soon.